One Down and More to Come!

Monday, September 09, 2013

Well this is something. Let it be written in the annals of history that not only has BR80 Wells checked his facebook account twice a month in the past three months, but he is now posting to a blog! Hold onto your panties everyone, the ever reaching tentacles of social media have finally squirmed their way into my life and are slowly grabbing hold. In case all heck breaks loose I'll go ahead and say right up front that this blog has a life expectancy of about 15 weeks. Quick deduction would lead anyone with half a brain to realize that 15 weeks is approximately the length of a university semester. If the other half of their brain is still in tact and functioning they would then be able to do some (1+1=2) arithmetic and realize that this must be one of those awesome school assignments given by a professor, whose social media skills are comparable to an eight month old child, wanting to expose their students to different types of social media, social marketing and social whatever. Fun!

The assignment is to post 150 words to a blog every week. Doable. Especially since I tend to be longwinded when giving my opinion. This blog will not be a series of posts about my life. No no no, there are one too many blogs about peoples lives; and lets be honest "life bloggers" are just trying to make themselves feel good about the un-excitement in their lives. Get out and live life! Don't write about it. That's harsh. I think my mom has a blog. I don't really feel this way. At least not always... Ok, back on track now. This is not a blog about life. Nope, this blog will highlight imposing, jaw-dropping, staggeringly awesome characters from the world that J.R.R. Tolkien created! Oh heck yes! This is going to be freaking awesome! If anyone that read this (ok this is no likely, I'm going to say that two people besides myself will ever read this) had a reaction like that then trust me, this will definitely be more awesome than planting flowers, and weeding your garden...

Some Heroes of the Third Age
To me Tolkien's works are the greatest readings ever! I am obsessed! Now let me make something clear. I don't speak elvish, I can't write dwarf and I don't profess to know everything about Tolkien. But I have read and re-read all Tolkien's books, as well as those compiled post-mortem by his son Christopher Tolkien, and dagnabbit I can't get enough of them! It's safe to say I know more than the "movie only" fanatic or the "casual" Tolkien reader, but certainly there are those that know much more than me (I idolize those individuals). Tolkien created "a whole new world" (Disney's Aladdin), and it is by no means restrained to only The Hobbit and The Lord of The Rings. No no no! He wrote extensively (seriously, he went all out) about the history and events of Middle Earth pre-Hobbit. Astonishingly some don't know that!? Thanks to the recent motion pictures, interest in The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings has got to be at an all time high, so it bears reason that people may know or have heard of Tolkien's other works but they are probably far from reading them. Yea verily I say unto you most know nothing of the awesomeness of the heroes of Middle Earth that preceded Aragorn, Legolas, Boromir, Prince Imrahil and others of the Third Age. This blog will highlight weekly (per assignment guidelines) a hero that is found in the First and Second Ages of Middle Earth. Tolkien devised many heroes and some of (I believe in fact) the greatest fantasy heroes ever created rise from the earliest Ages of Middle Earth. Each post will contain a brief history and facts of one of these lesser known but incredibly awesome heroes. Whomever I think is a G will make the cut. I will divulge all pertinent information as to why I think they, in particular, are so stinking awesome! Sounds Fun! We begin next week.  Oddly enough I am getting quite excited to write it! Social media here I come!

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